A wasted opportunity
I must say that this flash surprised me quite a lot. Some of the effects and graphics are stunning, and it has been edited in a very stylish way. I can tell a lot of thought has been put into the camera location and joining of scenes. However I have one big problem with this movie - WHY IS IT A STICK MOVIE?! The graphics alone (presuming you made them) show real talent and originality. The characters are actually animated very well. BUT WHY ARE THEY STICKS?! This movie could have been about 200x better if only you had put in real solid characters. The sticks just cheapen it and make it look awful. Its a shame, it could have been so good, but the sticks drag it down. If you should change anything about this movie, you should remake it without the sticks, honestly. It may take longer, but will get you infinatley more respect and credit, maybe even a front page. Think about it!
Other than the sticks, good work!