Looks great, but I think I broke it...
First I have to say, I really like your game's style and theme. It actually reminds me a lot of my own games, both in theme and content (I'm the creator of the core series of escape/adventure games).
-I like that all your puzzles are logic based. That definitely gets a big thumbs up from me. I really like puzzles that don't need any explanation other than just a bit of trial and error until you figure them out.
-Music and art are all really nice. Your character design and backdrops all add to the whole thing.
-Your music choice is also great.
Now for the bad:
-Whilst your puzzles are all logic based, some of them need a "little" more user feedback - ie it helps the player to see when they are heading in the right direction when working the puzzle out, rather than being left in the dark until they finally solve it.
Your generator puzzle was probably the best, because the player could see exactly what each push of the button did, and after a bit of trial and error, they could finally get a solution.
Wiring puzzle at the end had to be the worst, but I will come back to that later.
-Towards the end of the game, it felt a little rushed. Bits of text being cut off on the edge of the screen, graphics a little less tidy etc.
-The wiring puzzle... ok, I'm really not sure what that one is all about. So first you have to figure out that clicking on a wire, then clicking on a socket will connect the two. Then after about 10 minutes of head scratching, by accident I find that I can connect multiple wires to 1 socket by clicking on each colour, then on the socket they are meant to go into. The problem is that there is no indication of which wires you have currently selected.
It each wire that you had selected would glow, that would at least be an indication that something was happening.
However I couldn't work out the solution to the puzzle. Everything goes well until you realise you only have 1 red wire, but 2 sockets seem to want red.
Well, after randomly clicking, suddenly it appeared that I had solved the puzzle (no idea what I did, it didn't look very solved to me).
On pressing the red button, I got a very buggy looking end sequence, where words were half masked rendering them unreadable, the animation kept flicking back to the button inside the train, whilst a missile hovered in mid air.
It didn't feel like a proper end to me, and I am guessing that what I saw was unintentional.
Anyway, giving you 6/10 and 3/5. I enjoyed the game, but it feels a bit untested and buggy, you should really at least get a few friends to playtest it for you through to the end, to iron out these few glitches. Still, looking forwards to seeing more from you, keep up the good work.